GISD Announces 7th Annual Day of Giving

Genesee ISD Announces 7th Annual Day of Giving
Posted on 06/04/2024
Day of Giving Staff Volunteers
GISD is excited to announce the 7th Annual Day of Giving this Friday, June 7, 2024. After months of planning, GISD staff will head out into the community to perform multiple acts of kindness for unsuspecting individuals and organizations across Genesee County. Leaders of the District would like to thank all of the employees and community partners that donated items and money to make this year’s Day of Giving a success.

“When we began the Day of Giving, our goal was simple - make a positive impact throughout the community that we serve,” stated Dr. Steven Tunnicliff, Superintendent of GISD. “That goal remains the same, and thanks to the generosity of our own employees and community partners, this day continues to grow each year. It’s nice to see so many smiling faces.”

GISD employees have planned dozens of different projects to positively impact a variety of individuals across Genesee County, including those who have fallen on hard times, counselors and social workers who go above and beyond for students, individuals in the healthcare field, law enforcement officers, first responders, and so many more.

The purpose of GISD’s Day of Giving is to spread kindness throughout the community and inspire others to do more of the same. Staff will be at various locations throughout Genesee County this Friday, June 7, wearing orange shirts. GISD hope’s to create positive vibes for others to also pay it forward and reach as many individuals as possible. 

Updates and photos will be shared on all GISD social media platforms throughout the day. Community members can follow all activities and efforts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtag #GISDDayofGiving.